Saturday, April 30, 2011

What Stereo Receiver To Buy

Via de Victoria - The former Communist Party Central Committee and its surroundings

The former Palace of the Romanian Senate, former headquarters Central Committee of the Communist Party of Romania - built between 1939 and 1950, by Paul Smarandescu architects and Emil Prager. On the balcony of the palace, left the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu on December 22, 1989 and was booed by people in the square until the helicopter left the roof of the palace

is the source of the proximity of the former senate, in the same Palace Square or Plaza de la Revolucion

The monument erected in honor of the youth that the events Murren December 1989. In Romania, the whole territory of the country during the events of the end of December 1989 killed 1,000 people. The building is behind the monument is the National Library of Romania.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hydrocodone Help Lower Blood Pressure

La Via Victoria - The Orthodox Church Kretzulescu

Cretzulescu Church - built between 1720 and 1722, in Shamrock plan for the initiative Iordache Cretzulescu Laird and his wife, Safta Brancoveanu, a daughter of Prince Constantin Brancoveanu Romanian. It was restored between 1942-1943, after the damage from the earthquake of October 1940, then after the earthquake March 4, 1977 and of course after the Revolution of December 1989

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chlyamydia In The Mouth


photographed these guys for a while, the truth is that I remember much other than I saw on TV playing in a bar .. or was a scene I can not remember ....

Feels Like Burning When I Breath

School of Arts and Crafts IV

Latest photos from the visit.

Redken Versus Biolage

School of Arts and Crafts School

Hawaiian Phrase To English

III Arts and Crafts II

More photos.

Pregnant With Very Dark Stool

School of Arts and Crafts I

A photographic step inside the majestic building that until recently housed the School of Arts and Crafts in Zaragoza. The architect FĂ©lix Navarro, was begun in 1907 and was used during the Hispano-French Exposition of 1908 as the flag of the Arts and Industries.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Interior Car Trim Names

Ex - Royal Palace - now the National Art Museum of Romania -

was built in 1820 for Golescu Dinicu landowner, extended over several generations of landowners and princes, between 1866 and 1914, the expansion work, restoration and decoration, architects working Gottereau Paul, the architect of modern Bucharest and Czech Karl Liman. In 1948, the Palace back in the National Art Museum of Romania, comprising Gallery European Art, National Art Gallery, a collection of Oriental Art, a collection of drawings and engravings

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Portable Dvd Mounts For Mini Vans

Via de Victoria - The White Church

The White Church was built in the early nineteenth century, the initiative of Darvas Neagu Orthodox priest. Inside, the altarpiece is painted by the famous Romanian painter Gheorghe Tattarascu
start with a detail of the facade

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Doujin Online Dragon Ball

Via de Victoria - The Museum of the History of Art

The Museum of Art - ex - Dissescu house - built in 1860 and renovated at the end of the nineteenth century by the Romanian architect Grigore Cherchez and Anton French architect Clavel.