As a resident of the peninsula, the Song Thrush preferably occupies the northern third, while it is distributed irregularly over the plateau and the south is francamenta rare. However, as wintering, occupies the entire national territory.
The thrush, consume variety of invertebrates, although their favorite food is snails, whose shell breaks on a rock or a branch. During the fall and winter, their diet becomes more vegetarian and includes in her berries, fruits and seeds of all kinds, both wild and cultivated.
The reproductive period of this turd, is the most comprehensive as it can begin in late February or early March and conclude in the pairs as late as late August or early September, although it is more usual to start in April.
is the female, in charge of the construction of the nest, usually placed in a fork of a tree branch, on a rock ledge, protected by vegetation, or even the floor. For its construction, use roots, grass and twigs, weaving to form a compact cup, bar reinforced and are of the inside with soft materials.
The development consists of 3-5 eggs, the female usually incubates for 10-17 days. The chicks are fed by both parents for another 11-17 days, after which the chickens are fully developed, but remain dependent on their parents for a few more days, until they are completely self-sufficient.
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